For instructions with pictures please click here.
1. Within versaSRS open the versaSRS Global Settings Menu, in the top right corner of the screen click the button with the + symbol. Take note of the instance ID that is generated.
2. Copy the current SRSConnect directory (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\VersaDev\versaSRS\SRSConnect) and paste it into the same location with a new name (e.g. SRSConnect2).
3. Within the newly created SRSConnect directory, access the Web.config file and update the InstanceID value to be the same as the instance ID that was generated in step 1.
4. Within IIS create a new Application with the same settings as the existing SRSConnect Virtual Directory and ensure the application path is set to point to the newly created SRSConnect directory (e.g. SRSConnect2).