versaSRS Knowledge Base



Change the Application Timeout value

Article ID: Q731371

Category: FAQ - How To

The information in this article applies to:

  • versaSRS Version 7

When the application is idle for a number of minutes it will timeout and the User has to log back in.

There is a setting in versaSRS that controls the amount of time a User can be logged in for before they must login again. This is a security measure that by default is set to 20 minutes to ensure when a User leaves their device unattended versaSRS will auto log them out to prevent unauthorised usage.

If multiple Users are being logged out simultaneously you need to ensure the application pool for versaSRS is set to recycle at a specific time within IIS.

The number of minutes the application can be idle before it times out can be changed within the versaSRS Web.config file, default file location: C:\Program Files (x86)\VersaDev\versaSRS\versaSRS

Locate the below line within the Web.config file and change the timeout value to reflect the desired number of minutes.

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="20" />

If you have the Global Setting FormsLogin set to enabled you will also need to locate the below line and ensure the timeout value is set to the same value as the above setting.

<forms name=".ASPXLogon" loginUrl="logon2.aspx" protection="All" timeout="480" slidingExpiration="true" />

226 Performance Issue/Time Out Error for versaSRS

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Last Reviewed: 30/08/2024
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