versaSRS Knowledge Base



Custom Buttons Bar (Favourites - Navigation Sidebar)

Article ID: Q731133

Category: FAQ - How To

The information in this article applies to:

  • versaSRS
  • Custom Navigation
Q: How do I customise the Custom Buttons Bar?

A: The Custom Buttons Bar (pop-out list from Favourites in the Navigation Sidebar) is customisable through the Global Settings under the Application Property 'CustomButtonBarXML', this area allows you to define as many custom buttons as you would like available. 

Use one of the below examples' syntax to define the properties for each button:
  NOTE: The italicised text needs to be replaced with values you set, everything else needs to be exactly the same. 

Example 1. Open a URL in a new browser window/tab

<ButtonText>Database Usage</ButtonText>
<ImageMouseOver>Database Usage</ImageMouseOver>

Example 2. Opens page or URL in main versaSRS Window

<ButtonText>Database Usage</ButtonText>
<ImageMouseOver>Database Usage</ImageMouseOver>

NOTE: The below image is how your button will appear in versaSRS using the example tag data 

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Last Reviewed: 27/05/2022
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Last Reviewed 27/05/2022

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