versaSRS Knowledge Base



versaSRS v7 Database Performance Pack

Article ID: Q731380

Category: versaSRS Tips & Tricks

The information in this article applies to:

  • versaSRS V7
  • Database Maintenance
  • Database Performance

After upgrading to versaSRS major version 7 the application is running quite slowly.

If you have not just updated to version 7 from version 6 or earlier do not follow these instructions.

Download the required zip file and run the scripts on the versaSRS database to create the necessary indexes that will improve database performance.

Ensure these scripts are executed in the folder and file order they are listed. These scripts will take a long time to run and the database log will grow exponentially, there is a script which will shrink the database. Due to the time needed to run these scripts we recommend running them during an outage window.

NOTE: VersaDev takes no responsibility for any data corruption or loss incurred, be sure to take extra care not to remove or change any data by mistake when running queries/scripts directly on the database, we recommend performing a backup and implementing on a test environment before performing on production.

195 Maintenance Plan and Database File Size

239 Database Maintenance Plans

530 Database Creating Large Log File

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Last Reviewed: 07/01/2025
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