versaSRS Knowledge Base



Maintenance Plan and Database File Size

Article ID: Q731195

Category: FAQ - Knowledge Base

The information in this article applies to:

  • versaSRS
  • Database Maintenance

If your maintenance plan is scheduled to run several times during the week the LDF file should be small. If the LDF file is large it suggests that the maintenance plan is failing or is not set up correctly.

Maintenance plan possibly set up incorrectly or not running as expected.

Confirm you have setup your maintenance plan as per our reccommendations then run it again. If the size of your LDF file is not reduced after running the maintenance plan a new LDG file may need to be created.

One way to do this is to detach the database and then delete the LDF file. When re-attaching the database, MS SQL should give you the option to create a new LDF file.
NOTE: When doing this we highly recommend that you first stop the versaSRS Services then make sure that you backup the .mdb and .ldf files in case there is a problem.

Once the database is re-attached, verify the data, by performing a count of the number of records in the following tables: tbl_Calls, tbl_CallAudit and tbl_CallAuditAttach.

126 Attachments in versaSRS - File Size Limits

239 Database Maintenance Plans

380 versaSRS v7 Database Performance Pack

530 Database Creating Large Log File

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Last Reviewed: 09/10/2024
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