versaSRS Knowledge Base



Email with Attachments Can Not Be Opened - SiteID

Article ID: Q731548

Category: Software Solutions

The information in this article applies to:

  • versaSRS
  • versaSRSMailIn
  • XML Extended Logging
  • v7 - v7.1.5

Email with attachments cannot be opened, displays a blank window with no content.

Email attachments will not bed displayed if the SiteID value is 0. The page getattachment.aspx cannot render if the URL contains "siteid = 0".
This can be caused by two things:

  1. There is a known bug with the Extended XML Logging, if the SiteID property is unset or set to 0 the value is then retained and used for any newly logged Cases.
    NOTE: This bug has been fixed in versaSRS v7.2.0 if you are not running the latest version we highly recommend you update your versaSRS.

  2. Someone manually changing the value in the database.

  1. If the problem attachments have been logged by XML, edit your XML Logging properties to ensure SiteID is set correctly

  2. Run the following query to verify which attachments in the database have a SiteID of 0:

     SELECT * FROM tbl_CallAuditAttach WHERE SiteID = 0
  3. Edit the SiteID in the database to set it to a value of 1, and restart the versaSRSMailIn Service to resolve the issue
    NOTE: VersaDev takes no responsibility for any data corruption or loss incurred, be sure to take extra care not to remove or change any data by mistake when running queries directly on the database, we recommend performing a backup and implementing on a test environment before performing on production.

227 Problem Opening Attachments From versaSRS

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Last Reviewed: 11/10/2024
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