versaSRS Knowledge Base



Problem Opening Attachments From versaSRS

Article ID: Q731227

Category: FAQ - Knowledge Base

The information in this article applies to:

  • versaSRS
  • Attachment Issues
  • Case Attachments

Problem opening attachments from versaSRS.

1. Ensure that the device where the attachment is being opened has the required software to be able to open the attachment

2. Access the versaSRS database and run the below query to check that the file type of the attachment is included in the tbl_FileTypes table and that it has the correct MIME type. If it is not listed that is why you cannot open the file; you can add the file type to the database in order to successfully open it. Please note there are potential security implications by doing this, if you are unsure of the risk do not proceed.

SELECT * FROM tbl_FileTypes

3. After confirming the file type is supported by versaSRS, attempt to open the attachment from a different device

4. If there are still issues with the attachment log a support Case with VersaDev for further investigation

303 Attachment coming into versaSRS as winmail.dat

466 Attachment File Types - Not able to upload attachment

548 Email with Attachments Can Not Be Opened - SiteID

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Last Reviewed: 24/05/2024
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