versaSRS Knowledge Base



Attachment File Types - Not able to upload attachment

Article ID: Q731466

Category: Software Solutions

The information in this article applies to:

  • versaSRS
  • Database

A file cannot be uploaded as an attachment to a Case.
Example: SQL file type can be sent as an attachment to a Case, however it can not be uploaded when manually creating a Case.

Attachment could not be uploaded as this file type is not currently a supported file type in the database (tbl_FileTypes).

By default the SQL file type is not included as a supported attachment due to security reasons.

There are two ways to solve this issue:

1. Upload the SQL file contained within a zip file; zip files are supported file types.


2. Add a SQL file type into the database so that it allows the SQL file type as one of the supported files. The below INSERT statement will need to be run against the versaSRS database. If you are adding a different file type ensure the MimeType value is correct. If security is a concern change the MimeType value to be 'text/plain'.
Once completed, refresh the application and the file type should now be supported.

NOTE: VersaDev takes no responsibility for any data corruption or loss incurred, be sure to take extra care not to remove or change any data by mistake when running queries/statements directly on the database, we recommend performing a backup and implementing on a test environment before performing on production.

INSERT INTO tbl_FileTypes (FileTypeID, FileExtension, MimeType, SendAsAttachment, IconFile)
VALUES (-100, 'SQL', 'application/sql', 1, 'web1.png')

126 Attachments in versaSRS - File Size Limits

227 Problem Opening Attachments From versaSRS

570 Attachments File Types (Supported / Not Supported)

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Last Reviewed: 11/10/2024
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