versaSRS Knowledge Base



Configure Email Settings & Queues

Article ID: Q731124

Category: FAQ - Install

The information in this article applies to:

  • versaSRS
  • MS Exchange
  • Mailbox Set up

Configuring versaSRS for In-Bound Email Automatic Case Logging

This is an historic article, if you are using Microsoft O365 accounts for versaSRS incoming and outgoing mail please refer to this article.

In order for versaSRS to accept case submission via email a POP3, IMAP, or EWS enabled mailbox is required (minimum system requirement), and the versaSRS Windows Services need to be installed, configured, and running.

Enable POP3 in Exchange

1. On your Exchange Server, enable and start the "Microsoft Exchange POP3" service from the Windows services control panel.

2. Make sure that the "Default POP3 Virtual Server" is started in Exchange System Manager (under Servers\Servername\Protocols\POP3)

In the properties of the Default POP3 Virtual Server you can also set access control to only allow connections from certain IP addresses. You can set this to be the IP address of the versaSRS server if versaSRS is the only application that will be using POP3.

Mailbox with multiple Teams and Assigned Email Addresses

1. Create or use an existing Primary POP3, IMAP or EWS Enabled Mailbox (for example,

2. Designate a Default Team (DefaultQueue in Global Settings), then assign this email address to the Team through Administrators tab > Manage Teams, select the Team and click Edit (or create a new Team if required), in the Primary Address field enter the email address.

3. Using the versaSRS Global Settings interface, set the values for the below listed Application Properties to the necessary credentials, this will allow the versaSRS application to log into the Mailbox and process the emails.

  • MailboxPassword
  • MailboxProfile
  • MailboxServer
  • SMTPServer

4. Stop and restart the versaSRSMailIn Service. All incoming emails will be logged by default to this Default Team. NOTE: Should you wish to assign a different email address to different Teams, for example, emails to go into the Support Team, emails to go to the Sales Team, etc. then the following is required:

NOTE: 1. Create email aliases against the Mailbox account (, as per the above example, and

NOTE: 2. For each of the Teams in question (Admin Panel > Administrators tab > Manage Teams > select the Team and click Edit (or create a new Team if required)), set the alias email addresses for those Teams in the Primary Address field. The Support Team's Primary Address will be, and the Sales Team's Primary Address will be

Multi Mailboxes with multiple Teams and Assigned Email Addresses

1. Create POP3, IMAP, or EWS enabled Mailboxes for each Team you wish emails to be delivered to.

2. Assign the new email address to the correct Team (through Administrator > Manage Teams, select the Team and click Edit (or create a new Team if required)). In the Primary Address field enter the required email address. Repeat for each Team.

3. Through SQL Server Enterprise Manager or SQL Server Management Studio (depending on the version of MS SQL installed), open the Table tbl_Mailboxes. Enter the required information for each of the Mailboxes as defined in Step 1. Ensure that the Status for each is set to 1 (Active).

4. Using the versaSRS - Global Settings Interface, set the Application Property: 'MultiMailbox' to Enabled and 'ApplyDefaultQueue' to Disabled.

5. Stop and restart the versaSRS MailIn Service. All incoming emails will be delivered to the defined Teams.

Configuring versaSRS for Out-Bound Email

The versaSRSMailOut Windows Service is responsible for sending email.

1. Using the versaSRS Global Settings, set the Application Properties for: **MailOutProtocol, SMTPAccount, SMTPAuthentication, SMTPSMTPServer, SMTPPort, SMTPPassword **to the necessary required settings appropriate for your environment.

2. Stop and restart the versaSRS MailOut Service on the Server once any changes are made to these settings.

In-Bound and Out-Bound Email Troubleshooting

To assist with MailIn and MailOut troubleshooting the versaSRS Services generate log files located by default within C:\Temp and are named after their associated Service. Open these files through versaSRS or using Notepad to determine what the Services are doing and if any errors have been encountered and recorded.

If the Service is having trouble connecting to the account perform one of the below tests to confirm that the server is able to communicate with the required email server.

POP3 - Telnet Test

From a command prompt type the following (words not in bold need to be replaced with the correct value for the account you're testing):

telnet host port# (then press enter)

  • Where host is the name or IP of Exchange Server and port#=110 (default)

user username (then press enter)

  • Where username = username of the POP3 enabled mailbox (this may be the alias name of the format MyDomain\MyUsername)

pass password (then press enter)

  • Where password = account password

Note the message returned by telnet. If it reads 'OK Successfully logged' then the versaSRSMailIn service configured with the same settings will work.

SMTP - Telnet Test

From a command prompt type the following (words not in bold need to be replaced with the correct value for the account your testing):

telnet host port# (then press enter)

  • Where host is the name or IP address of the Exchange Server and port# = 25 (default)

helo test (then press enter)

mail from: helpdesk@yourdomain (then press enter)

rcpt to: testaccount@yourdomain (then press enter)

  • Where testaccount@yourdomain is some other email to qualify if email was sent successfully (then press enter)

data (then press enter)

Subject: Testing (then press enter x2)

Hi from Me (then press enter, full stop, enter to send the message)

If there were no errors, the MailOut service will be able to send emails and is working correctly.

411 SMTP Error SendAs Denied

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Last Reviewed: 13/12/2024
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