versaSRS Knowledge Base



Enable Custom Scripts

Article ID: Q731387

Category: FAQ - How To

The information in this article applies to:

  • versaSRS Version 7 and above
Custom Scripts can be turned on by accessing the versaSRS Global Settings and enabling the Application Property 'EnableCustomScripts'.

Reload the Global Settings by clicking the reload  icon then clear your browser cache to see the changes reflected in versaSRS.

The default location to access each custom script file is C:\Program Files (x86)\VersaDev\versaSRS\versaSRS\Scripts.
Custom Scripts can be used in versaSRS to drive specific, customised behaviour that is not available via application settings or default configuration. The following Custom Scripts are available and will not be overwritten when versaSRS updates are performed.

- custom_manage_action.js (Manage Task)
- custom_manage_call.js (Manage Call)
- custom_manage_changerequest.js (Manage Change Request)
- custom_manage_contact.js (Manage Contact)
- custom_manage_contract.js (Manage Contract)
- custom_manage_organisation.js (Manage Organisation)
- custom_manage_problem.js (Manage Problem)
- custom_update_action.js (Update Task)
- custom_update_call.js (Update Call)
- custom_update_changerequest.js (Update Change Request)
- custom_update_problem.js (Update Problem)

The script files can be altered to drive behaviour such as hiding unused fields or tabs, setting mandatory fields, prompting users etc.

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Last Reviewed: 23/07/2024
Powered By VersaDev Pty Ltd Copyright 2022
Last Reviewed 23/07/2024

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